Location directory

For GPS, use the street address of the Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center at 616 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, NY 14853 (lat./lng.: 42.4522, -76.4804). Our road closures page contains details that may affect driving directions. Our main map page presents these data on a Google map with overlays.

Displaying results for all locations.
NameStreet AddressCoordinates (Lat, Lng)
B-Lot (southeast corner) 42.4463, -76.4622
North Campus 42.4570, -76.4785
Weill Cornell Medical College 1300 York Ave, New York, NY 10065 40.7650, -73.9551
Weill Cornell Medical College 1300 York Ave, New York, NY 10065 40.7650, -73.9551